Wednesday, November 3

random post :)

heey! this is just a random post. i don't know what the weather's like where you are, but here, it's terrible! it's raining and really windy, and also really dark! i hate the winter, i want the summer back, the only think i like about the winter is the days/nights where i stay in with my blanket and watch dvds drinking hot chocolate, and ofcourse the rain hitting my window :) what's your favourite/worst thing about winter? and would you rather winter or summer? x


  1. Hi! I'm from Portugal! I also have a blog ;)

    I just subscribed yours ;D Good luck with everything girl :D


  2. hey daniela!
    aww thankyou soo much for following my blog :)
    i hope you enjoy it!
    im about to look at your blog now,
    take care xx
