so, today i signed up for luuux! it's wierd because i'm still not totally convinced it's real! anyway, once i signed up i thought i would do some posts and see how it goes, so i did a couple and then as i was making i cup of tea i started thinking about the things that i often think about, and then i thought 'i could do a post on this!' so i did, & here it is..
'things that i often wonder;
• when i see people in expensive cars, i often wonder what their career is.
• what is my life going to be like in 10years or even 5years, for example, where am i going to live, what career am i going to have, am i going to have any children and what life am i going to lead.
• the people that i feel i can trust, can i really trust them? are they going to let me down anytime soon.
• i wonder much more about the future than the past, what has happened can't be changed, but can i do anything to change my future?
• where did the world begin. the main things i wonder about the word are, who invented/figured out time? how did anyone know how to cook foods and what things we can make out of them, for example a potato makes crisps, chips, mash potato. and also how did we begin to talk and communicate, and how do we know what each word means?'
these are just a few of the things i often wonder about the world and life. what are the things that you wonder??.. x